13 November, 2010

Special Post -- Please help the Belize Zoo recover from Hurricane Richard

You may have read about Hurricane Richard hitting Belize while we were there last month.  Our place in the sourthern part of Belize escaped Richard's wrath, but the northern part of Belize was not so fortunate.  The Belize Zoo was hit especially hard.  To those of you  who usually give me a Christmas present, please donate to the zoo instead.  You can do it on a link on the blog site above. 

A little over a year ago, we went on a night tour of the zoo that was wonderful.  You can see my blog account of the visit here.  The Zoo is (was) one of those very special places and I admit I cried when I saw the photos of the devastation.  Dennis and I are giving what we can to help; it would be such a loss to Belize and to the world if this little gem of a zoo doesn't recover.


  1. I hope that zoo gets plenty of hel Wilma, there is so much devastation in the world today, seems to be a natural disaster every month :-(

    PS in answer to your question on my blog re the Goosander. You may know them as a Merganser of some sort ?

  2. I agree with Warren; I hope they get plenty of help, and soon get back on their feet. They certainly took a battering.

  3. Warren and Keith -- thanks for your concern and wishes for the Zoo to recover. It seems there is disaster everywhere we look; it can get overwhelming at times. All we can do is help where we can, hope where we can, and try not to make any of it worse.


  4. Warren - yes, that's it. Merganser! Thanks.

  5. The way to help is spread the word and DONATE at the belizezoo.org. No amount is too small!

  6. Wilma, thank you for doing this and for linking to the TBZBlog link that can take people to the donations page. It is a lovely idea to have people send help to The Belize Zoo in lieu of Christmas gifts. That is GREAT!!!

  7. Nan -- anything to help. Wilma


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