As I mentioned in a comment on Mitchell's blog, I, too, have been having leg - hip in my case - issues. Yesterday was my trip for medical care and my experience reinforced my decision to live in Belize. My friend Melanie drove me to Belize City, a 2 hr 45 min easy drive to see my orthopedist at Belize Healthcare Partners. I almost didn't recognize the place due to the ongoing construction of new facilites. I was about 15 min early for my appt, but they took me right away to get my vitals after I checked in. I had a bit of wait (35 min past the appt time) to see the orthopedic surgeon. Super nice guy. He tentatively agreed with my thought that I was experiencing pretty extreme trochanteric bursitis that had also affected other connective tissues in my left leg causing swelling and pain all the way down to my ankle. He sent me off for x-rays just down the hall. Four x-rays later, I waited again for the films and for Dr. Sosa to return from his lunch. He reviewed the x-rays with me and noted that the femur was perfect, a little arthritis in both hips, and little loss of bone density in the hips that didn't warrant any urgent attention. (But I will take it up with my primary care physician at next visit in June. Probably need a dexascan to make any decisions regarding treatment.) Then the physical poking and prodding of the affected area commenced. Treatment was discussed and agreed upon - 1 injection of a systemic (not physically targetted into the bursa) corticosteroid that would help with whole leg swelling very quickly, 12 days of a quite strong NSAID ( I tolerate NSAIDs very well as long as I take them with food), rest and ice for 2 weeks. I don't tolerate rest at all! I did talk him into letting me use my indoor rower very gently to try not to lose muscle mass. The injection left me sleepless, but so worth it to get up with a major decrease in pain this morning. As the day has worn on the pain has actually eased even more. To the point that I am going to have to be very stern with myself to take it easy! Icing it right now after having been on my feet to walk the dogs and to do some things that must be done. Fitbit says 3 miles so far. I often do 8 miles a day, so I think I am at my limit now. And the dogs still need their last walk of the day in 5 hours. So - the burning question - what was the cost for the exam, the x-rays, the NSAID, and the injection? My friends, it was less than $300BZ, which is $150US! Can you believe it? And I was out of there in less than 3 hours! And everyone was so pleasant and professional! And I made the appt only 4 days ahead of time! Hard to take issue with any of that.
If you have ophidiophobia (fear of snakes) scroll by the next photo and maybe even this paragraph as quickly as you can! One of the things I used some my steps on today was a short walk to see this massive Central American Boa lounging in the sun. It must be 12 feet long and is as big around as my thigh right up at my hip (have to make the title of this post work). Its head is nestled in the brush pile, but 90% of the full length is visible. Such a gorgeous specimen!
Look at how glossy and iridescent its skin is! It must have recently molted. I bet it is sleeping off its first post-molt meal. The tip of its tail is right at the bottom edge of the photo just to left of center. Its head is under the dead brush at center near the top edge of the photo. At least 20 inches in diameter at its largest. |
And now to end with something completely different.
Passion fruit flower buds. The vine is covered with buds which will open over the next few weeks. Hoping for a better fruit-set this year. No fruit at all last year. So that's a low bar to leap over! |
You will be seeing more photos of the passion fruit flowers - and hopefully actual passion fruits - in posts to come. Gorgeous flowers.