As promised in my last post, here are photos of hummingbirds fighting over access to our feeders.
This first series is between a Cinnamon (perched) and a Rufous-tailed that is trying to drive it off. And then comes a Green-Breasted Mango to get in on the action. The Cinnamon just hunkers down and stays put, after giving the Green-Breasted Mango a word or two!
Looks like the Cinnamon senses the Green-Breasted Mango off to the left. |
"Hey! I was here first. Wait your turn!" |
"That's right. You had better back off!" |
"Just get on out of here." |
Now the fight is between a Rufous-tailed and a Green-Breasted Mango. Lots of displaying and posturing.
'Round and 'round they go until the Green-Breasted Mango goes for the nectar. |
This calls for reinforcements! |
"The big guy won't have a chance with both of us Rufous-tails here." |
"Where'd he go?" |
Time out for a quick drink on both sides. |
"Go away. I'm not finished yet." |
Now the 2 Rufous-tails fight each other once the Green-Breasted Mango has gone.
My favorite ones to watch are the little Ruby-throated hummingbirds. They are small but fiesty!
They must have watched Stars Wars and The Matrix too many times...
Dedicated on this Mothers' Day to my Mother, who loved hummingbirds and never tired of watching them.