24 September, 2009

back in Minnesota

We got back to Minnesota yesterday after spending 2 weeks in Belize. When we left for Belize on Sept. 7th, it was still summer. Here is what we came back to:

a patio and lawn dusted with the first fallen leaves of autumn. We knew it had to happen sooner or later. Sigh ...

But there are still some flowers and visitors to the flowers in the garden, like this amazing painted lady butterfly on purple liatris (blazing star)

After I get a little more settled and back into the routine of going to work (!), I'll post more about our Belize trip. Plus I have lots of blog reading to catch up on; it seems the writers of the blogs I follow are very prolific with posts far too good to skip. :-)


  1. The season of extra work; all those leaves.
    Lovely shot of the Painted Lady. A beauty.

  2. Welcome home - and thanks for the touches of Belize. Hope you'll have more. we've had to postpone our trip there from early next year to a later time, but Fodor's is on my desk.

  3. Keith -- still lots of clean up to do from the summer garden, too. I like to make sure that the insects and animals have what they need to overwinter, but I also need to keep my neighbors from resenting having a weedy eyesore next door! I favor the natural look myself. ;-)

    Chris - don't worry; I have a lots of Belize photos of plants, insects, the sea, etc. to post and write about, plus links to other Belize sites for conservation and scholastic philanthropic opportunities. I hope you won't get bored before I'm through!

    Thanks to both of you for visiting and commenting.


  4. Hi Wilma. I hope you had a lovely holiday. Looking forward to reading your blog again.Take care and have a good w/end

  5. Ken - glad you are feeling better and hope to see more blog postings from you soon. Our holiday was very lovely.

  6. Hi Wilma,
    Glad to hear that you had a good holiday in Belize.I just got back from a three-week break, no internet connection during that period and was unable to post anything. So now back to the old routine!

  7. Hi Madi - I was wondering where you had disappeared to! Welcome back and I look forward to reading more of your posts with your lovely bird photos. Do you know if bulbuls are related to oropendulas?



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