We met our new neighbor a couple of days ago - a magnificently massive boa constrictor. No idea how long it has been hanging around, but it is certainly well-fed, judging by its size. It has been waiting for the sun (click
here for oddly appropriate music) each day this week to show itself in its brush-pile lodging at the edge of our property.
This morning's sunrise promised us a hot day.
Ten minutes before sunrise. The air still has the night's coolness - if you call 70F cool. |
When the sun rises up through the morning haze like this, the day is guaranteed to be a hot one.
Eighteen minutes after sunrise. We start work early here to avoid the heat. Tiger is off-loading our plumbing supplies. Already 75F when I took this shot. |
The weather forecast predicts a high of 98F(36C) today (it is 95F at noon as I write this).
You can almost see the heat at 8:00AM. |
By 9:00, the boa's wait is over. I took these photos today and day before yesterday. It is so huge that I still haven't seen the whole thing all at once.
Not all the way in the sun yet. Its head is double-backed to the left of center. |
Standing next to it and comparing it to my thigh, I estimate that it is about 18-20 inches in circumference at the widest part I could see.
Here you can see its head resting on its body. |
Although I would love to see its full length, we didn't want to disturb it.
Beautiful markings. |
It must have shed recently because it was so shiny and fresh looking.
Look at the gorgeous iridescence of its scales. |
Waiting for the sun.
Its head is larger than my fist. |
Waiting for you . . to come along.
Sparkling eye. |
An impressive animal.